"We May Not Have It Together, But Together We Have It All"

Friday, March 11, 2011


We received some bad news last week. Brett's job is going to be laying off 2/3 of their workforce. They don't have the funding to continue past July with all 300 employees. For those who don't know, Brett is working for Energy Solutions on the uranium tailing clean up down by Moab. He works at the disposal site. He started there in July of 2008 as a Laborer and is now an Equipment Operator and is on the site's Safety Committe and Behavior Based Safety Commitee. Which looks good when they evaluate everyone for continued employment or layoff. Hopefully, he ranks high enough in their little ranking system that he will stay. We will know for sure starting in July, when they lay off 70% of those that will be laid off. The rest will be notified in August or September. I  have prayed and cried over this quite a bit. For the most part, I feel calm reassurance. So I take that to mean either, 1) his job is safe. I mean, afterall, he has impressed the bosses and moved up alot, or 2) his job isn't safe, but everything will still be ok. I'm hoping for the former. Plus, if he does get to keep his job, he will no longer be on the night shift, which I will LOVE, and he will be able to ride in the company van and only pay $20 or $30 a week as opposed to that much every 3 days or so. That will save us a lot of money. UGH! I hate not knowing what is going to happen. So prayers would be MUCH appreciated. And if he does lose his job, I hope he finds another one before November, because December is when we are planning on adding to our family, and I REALLY don't want that plan to be derailed!!!


  1. We'll keep you in our prayers Kort! I thought the world would end if Mitch lost his job, but so far it's not all that bad. Heavenly Father takes really good care of us as long as we're paying our tithing. That's the crucial key to staying sane. Some days we only have a few dollars in the account, but all our bills are paid off for the month, we have food to eat and a roof over our head. I hope Brett keeps his job though!
