2010...what can I say about 2010? It stared out kinda crappy. Had a lot of 2009 run over into, mostly things that were out of my control. And some days, life seemed to be careening into a figurative bottomless ravine of hate, distrust, dishonesty, unsurety, and the like. But, there were some amazingly gleeming events too.
For instance:
We were redoing the roof. |
- We bought our house. 4 Bedrooms, 3 stories (sort of), 2 side yards (it's a corner lot-LOVE IT), original hardwood floors (in need of restoration, but it will happen). Still have to finish the master bedroom and bath down in the basement, but there's already an amazing jetted tub! We are in love with this place and are already making and following through with plans to make it our own.
- My Momma and Daddy flew out! Most especially, my Daddy got some leave to time fly out from JAPAN! It was so good to see them! And VERY reassuring because......
Very first picture EVER! |
- 3 days later, on May 11, 2010 at 8:17pm, Hunter William Austin made his appearance into the world and our family. I had a relatively easy labor, considering he was my first baby and I was induced. 10 hours of labor, but more than worth it for the angelic, albeit sometimes trouble-making, little boy.
Just a few days ago. He loves taking Daddy's hats! |
- While I was discharged 2 days later, Hunter had to stay in the hospital a whole week on IV antibiotics because his white count was HIGH. Normal is like 2.0 or something and his test results were 5.8! Dr. Madsen (Hunter's Pediatrician and our family friend) assured us that Hunter was not really sick, though. He certainly didn't act it! What he and a specialist up at Primary Children's Hospital think is that we caught a bacteria or something REALLY early, before it had the chance to make him sick. We are SO grateful, and thank our Heavenly Father every day, that Dr. Ted listened to the promptings he received and ran that test! Even though it made me sad that my poor baby had to have that dumb IV. But that's ok, because on May 18th, my original due date, we got to bring him HOME!
Getting ready to leave the hospital. |
Very first nap in his crib. |
- My Momma and Daddy had to leave 3 days after we brought Hunter home, and Brett went back to work that following Monday, so I had a REALLY hard time being home alone with my little newborn but thankfully, 5 or 6 weeks after they left, Momma and my baby brother, Toby, along with my Grandpa Jewkes, drove back here from Texas and spent 6 weeks here with us. I LOVED having my Momma here to help. And help she did! I think that if it weren't for her coming and helping me out, I would not be as confident as a mom as I am now.
Grandma has the magic touch...and still does! |
Uncle Toby put him to sleep. |
- Brett and I celebrated 3 years together as a couple, and 2 years of wedded bliss on July 1st and July 12th, respectively. I am SO thankful that he didn't give up on and me and kept pursuing me, even though I was a little hesitant in the beginning.
We were either dating or engaged... |
June 2010 at the Manti Pagent. |
The Cousins! |
- My Best Friend and Sister and her Husband (also our best friend and Brother) gave birth to my little Nephew, Taylor Matheson Bohman Jr. on August 16th. He and Hunter have to be the cutest little cousins ever! Lindsey and Matheson came for a visit for the month of October and we loved having her and Little Bear here! I miss them every day! Thank heaven for facebook and texting, or I would miss them more!
- On November 28th we celebrated 2 years of being sealed for time and all eternity in the San Antonio Temple. I am so glad that I know that he and I will have each other and all the children born to us, with us in the next life. That death is not the end for us. Because I do not think I could go on, thinking that someday, he wouldn't be mine and I wouldn't be his, and our kids would no longer be ours!
We went to Texas for Hunter's first Thanksgiving. We only stayed for 5 days, and wish we could have stayed longer, but we still had so much fun. Hunter LOVED all the attention from Grandma, and Grandma LOVED having her Grandbaby there with her! She got to show him off at church that Sunday, which of course she loved doing. She is such an amazing Grandma and my little boy sure lucked out!
On the plane in Houston, 30 minutes from Grandma's! |
Nap time with Grandma in Grandpa's chair. |
- Our first Christmas in our house and Hunter's first Christmas!!!! It was so fun to open presents with our little boy! And boy did he get spoiled!
In his Jeep. And yes, most of those presents behind him are his. |
Books from Grandma. |
And those were the highlights of 2010. While it was great (obviously), hopefully 2011 will be even better and leave alot of the nasty stuff of 2010 in 2010. Can't wait for Hunter's First Easter, his first birthday, the first time he meets my Daddy, since the last time he saw him he was only a week and a half old. Oh, and his first trip to the zoo! The plans are in the works!