This is the first installment in our Family Blog. I guess a good start would be a little family history?
Brett was born and raised in Price, Utah and has 3 younger brothers. I (Kortnee) was born in Price and raised in Illionis, Calinfornia, and Texas and moved back to Price in 2006. Brett and I met at the Taco Time in Price in April of 2007, started dating in July, became engaged in December and married July 12, 2008. We have lived in Helper, Utah ever since and we love it. Our son, Hunter (who is squirming around in my lap and making it difficult to type) was born May 11, 2010 and is now almost 4 months old and is such a happy baby. He making such leaps and bounds in his growth and we love him very much.
Brett works for a company called Energy Solutions on a project down by Moab, Utah. He really enjoys what he does (drives haul trucks, among other things). He works nights and has for a year now. It's hard, especially with Hunter sometimes, and there are definitely days when I wish he could go day shift so we could spend our evenings together as a family, but I try my best not to complain and just stay busy. Not sure how well I am doing at that...
I just quit work after only having been back from Maternity leave for maybe a month. But we decided that even though things will be tight, we can make it work and it is more important for me to be home with Hunter. Sometimes I miss the adult interaction but I wouldn't trade my time with my son for the world.
Hunter is almost 4 months old and can already push himself across the floor on his belly and just tried cereal the other day. He is getting so big! And now I think I smell a stinky diaper so I had better go take care of that.
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