This time last year I was adjusting to the life of a Mommy. And I must say that I am still making adjustments. Hunter turned 1 last month. I can't believe it! I no longer have a baby. I have a toddler. And he is a handful! But, we love him. He is so funny and entertaining. And has very little paitience, just like his mother. We had his birthday party a couple weeks ago, and Grama and Grampa got to be there! We flew down to Texas the last week of May to my baby brother's graduation and then drove back up with them. Toby is now living with us until school starts and he can move into the dorms. He'll be here for a year, then he will leave on his mission. It's only been a week that we've had him here, but I think he is going to be a big help. When he's not working, of course.
In September, Grama is going to fly Hunter and I out to Texas to stay with her for a while and help get her house ready to sell and just to hang out and spend time. Of course, we all know she just wants her little grandson all to herself. And who could blame her? He is pretty neat! I'm so glad he has such a good Grama and Grampa. He had a ball with them while we were there and they were here. Especially with Grampa.
Anyway, I have mostly just rambled. Not much in this entry makes coherent sense. I am tired. Here are some pictures.